Tsuiko (ツイコ ) is one of the bosses featured in River City Girls 2. She is the technical advisor at Technos and a popular social media influencer who's constantly trending and will justify any action as long as it boosts her following. She is described as being very rude, unattentive, and brash. Although she has a distaste towards the yakuza, she decides to cooperate with Sabu and the Sanwakai.
Tsuiko is voiced by Brianna Knickerbocker in English and Rika Tachibana in the Japanese dub.
Tsuiko is first mentioned by Provie after the protagonists defeat her and noticed embarrassing photos of them were posted online. Provie indirectly mentions Tsuiko by stating that the social media crew at Technos have been hacking into peoples' accounts to post embarrassing information in an attempt to silence them. She states that although she's unsure if it's related to Ken and Chris, she planned on stopping there next as her own account was hacked earlier in the day.
Later inside of Technos, the protagonists appear lost though run into Tsuiko's hologram who then proceeds to insult and belittle the group for not knowing their way around. Confused at a hologram talking to them, Tsuiko states that she's well aware of why the group is at Technos and then proceeds to call their feed dull while comparing it to her late Grandmother. Realizing that she's the one responsible for hacking their accounts, the protagonists appear angry, though Tsuiko denies directly doing anything and instead just hints that she was involved by talking about them having bland lives and that they should thank her in a hypothetical sense. Threatening violence, Tsuiko insults the protagonists and points out they're unable to hurt a hologram, though she offers that if they find her in-person then she'll give them a fight before leaving. Shortly after, Sabuko mentions to the protagonists that they'll need an access code in order to reach Tsuiko in her office and gives them a route to the computer warehouse. Upon obtaining the code, Sabuko returns and informs the protagonists that Tsuiko is currently in the Bio-Dome. At the Bio-Dome, the protagonists appear confused as to where Tsuiko is, to which she then comes in to tell them that she left a while ago and tells them to take the elevator to her office if they survive her goons.
Upon reaching Tsuiko, the protagonists attempt to press her on being responsible for hacking them, though she instead instantly confirms her involvement and tells them that's what she's paid to do. When asked to tell her backstory, she laughs off the demand with no intent of telling the protagonists anything about her. When the group try to get the fight started, Tsuiko interrupts to order herself a latte and to text one of her friends. With the protagonists threatening to knock her head off, Tsuiko downplays the comment and puts on some music before starting the fight. Once defeated, Tsuiko admits that the protagonists were tougher than she was expecting and when asked to unhack their phones, she mentions that they should post the fight to their feed and believes they can be the next big thing in town. Tsuiko then hands the group her emblem stating that she doesn't stand in the way of progress.
Tsuiko will later text the protagonists when herself and Blaire are both defeated to inform them that the docks are no longer blocked at Ocean Heights and that they'll be able to access the Aquarium and Theme Park. Upon defeating Primo, she sends another text that if the group intends to save the school, they will need to use the emblems they've gotten so far to open the front gate and will also tell them that the Sanwakai have stopped all the buses.
- During Tsuiko's phase transitions, she will teleport the players into stages from various Technōs games on her phone. These stages include River City Ransom's warehouse featuring Tex, Shin Nekketsu Kōha: Kunio-tachi no Banka's Blue Emperors hideout featuring Ken, the Genesis version of Double Dragon's second stage featuring Williams, the NES version of Double Dragon's second stage featuring Linda and Chin, and the second stage from The Combatribes.
- This was originally excluded from the Japanese release of the game.